Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pinnacle Tvcenter 150e/55e Compativel

Meaning of Eco-friendly

Eco- prefisso legato in un primo momento solo alla biologia e all’osservazione della natura e dei suoi equilibri originali (es. ecogenetica, ecoide, ecologia, ecofilla, etc.), si è diffuso in seguito in ambiti che chiamano in causa the act and responsibility of man on the environment (eg environmentally friendly, ecocide, etc.).. The changes affecting contemporary society and the consequent environmental situation of our planet over the last decade have expanded the content and forms of design thinking. New requests have enriched the design process, forcing almost, to confront a more complex and interdisciplinary status. The appearance of the word eco is in the dictionaries over the last decade of the twentieth century. Zingarelli (2004) attests to the first occurrence in 1989. The Eurodicautom under environmentally friendly, which corresponds to the English eco-efficient , rimanda alla Gazzetta Ufficiale della Comunità Europea (GUCE) che ne sancisce l’uso e le corrispondenze interlinguistiche. La definizione data è “processi per minimizzare l’impatto negativo del sistema industriale”.


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