Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pains At 20 Weeks Pregnant


Obama va avanti sulla sua politica "verde".
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the night Italian (219 votes in favor and 212 against) the new law on climate change ("Climate change bill") that places strict limits on emissions of polluting gases. The law, which must still be approved by the Senate, is considered a top priority by the administration of U.S. President's agenda. The president was quick to learn his satisfaction: "A courageous and necessary step," he said, adding his hope that the Senate will soon come a "yes".

The law requires American companies - including refineries and power plants - to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (associated with the change climate) of a percentage of 17 percent by 2020 and 83 percent by 2050, taking as point of reference levels of 2005.

The law aims, in addition to creating a cleaner energy production, reduce U.S. dependence on imported foreign oil with a smooth transition to clean energy instead of oil and coal.

The law was passed by the House with the support of almost exclusively Democratic majority: only eight Republicans voted in favor of the measure.
Supporters of the law stress the benefit to the environment while critics argue that the law will result in the closure of many jobs.


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