the Schooner Sail from Grado Green Legambiente for a circumnavigation of the peninsula which ends Aug. 17 in Tuscany. The historic tall ship Catholica will travel about 2000 miles to monitor the health of the sea, report cases of mismanagement and abuse building on the coast, involving people by informing them of our rights and duties towards the mare nostrum. Mare Mostrum 2009. Calcestruzzo illegale o "legalizzato". Si conferma ancora una volta il cemento il peggiore nemico delle coste italiane. Tra villette per le vacanze, grande alberghi a strapiombo sul mare o porti turistici con ristoranti e shopping center sono davvero migliaia i nuovi edifici che ogni estate spuntano lungo le coste italiane. Solo nel 2009 intorno al ciclo del mattone selvaggio si sono registrate esattamente 3.674 infrazioni, sono scattati 1.569 sequestri e 4.697 denunce. "Abbattere diviene la parola d'ordine per vincere la guerra contro il cemento abusivo che devasta le nostre coste e che nelle regioni del sud è diventato, negli ultimi decenni, una vera e propria piaga", ha spiegato Sebastiano Venneri, vice president and head of Legambiente sea to the filing in Rome.
two offenses each kilometer of coastline. But the Italian sea not only suffer the pain of cement, is also plagued by so many other woes: illegal dumping, poor sewage, illegal fishing, navigation offenses seem, in fact, do not go out of fashion. Grow, then, that the said infringements fell from 14,315 in 2007 to 14,544 (+1.6), almost two offenses in the 7400 km long coast of Italy. Aumentano anche le persone denunciate che da 15.756 arrivano a 16.012 (+1.6%) mentre, parallelamente, diminuiscono i sequestri che da 4.101 scendono a quota 4.049. A guidare la classifica dell'illegalità costiera è la Campania, con 2.776 infrazioni accertate dalle Forze dell'ordine e dalle Capitanerie di porto, seguita da Sicilia (2.286), Puglia (1.577) e Calabria (1.435).
I pirati del mare 2009. Al lavoro di denuncia contro le spiagge blindate Legambiente aggiunge anche la consueta lista delle Black Flags 2009 delivered to those who have damaged the sea and its coast. And 'the banner area of \u200b\u200bItaly not just because it marks the "new pirates of the sea": government, politicians, entrepreneurs, private companies that have distinguished themselves for an attack, or damage to the marine and coastal environment. The black flags of 2009 were awarded on: "Flying Venice" for the design of the tourist village on stilts in the Po Delta, perch on pole in Porto Tolle, the municipality of Francavilla in Abruzzo for a beach resort, town hall Termoli in Molise to the decision to build a fish store near the walls of the medieval old town, the mayor of Croton for non-abatement of abuses in the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bCalabria Capo Colonna, the city of Palermo for non-removal of illegal houses built by the mafia in the 70 to Pizzo Sella at Campania for the treatment of non-coastal waters Domitius flegreo; the province of Latina and Sabaudia the mayor of the attacks on the lake of Paola. Even Tuscan and Ligurian coasts are immune from the black banner, the municipality of San Vincenzo Livorno he has acquired for speculation in the estate of Rimigliano and the port of Imperia for having created one of the worlds largest on the Riviera.
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