PRODUCTION - Produced by " Riversimple ", a small British company founded by engineer and former racer Hugo Spowers, is really a jewel of mechanics. Among the donors who participated in the project, there anche Sebastian Piech, pronipote del grande Ferdinand Porsche, il fondatore della famosa e omonima casa automobilistica tedesca. Quest'auto a idrogeno, presentata come la perfetta utilitaria del XXI secolo, è stata costruita con materiali ultraleggeri (pesa solo 350 kg), si alimenta con una cella a combustibile da 6 kw e ha 4 motori elettrici indipendenti, ognuno dei quali è collegato a una ruota della vettura. La Riversimple sul suo sito ufficiale dichiara di essere un'azienda che costruisce auto a basso consumo energetico usando "un approccio radicale per la mobilità personale".

CO STI AND FUEL FREE - In addition to using a highly innovative technology, the British company said it would not sell the cars according to the classical method but will make the twenty-year lease: the customer will pay about 235 € each month, but will also be included in the price of fuel which will serve to fuel the car. By the end of this year the company hopes to produce the first 10 prototypes, and has already signed an agreement with the BOC, British company that supplies gas to the installation of stations for hydrogen service in cities where the prototypes will be launched.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND OPEN SOURCE - To develop the engineers of this car "Riversimple" have worked for nine long years. However, according to Sebastian Piech was not wasted effort because the car represents a genuine revolution. In addition to being built with 100% recyclable material, its rate of pollution is harmless. For each kilometer traveled the "Riversimple Urban Car" leads into the atmosphere only 30 grams of carbon dioxide. Greener cars that are moving today place in our cities at least 150 grams. In addition, the scion of the German carmaker said the new form of payment that provides the fuel for free will encourage people not to keep changing cars, but use the same. "You're not buying a product" Piech said the enthusiastic Times London . "You are about to buy a transport service personnel." The same view John Constable, chairman of Riversimple: "It is something more than just an eco-car. " To accelerate the development of technology, the company has decided to follow the philosophy of "open source" means anyone who wants to improve this project can see for free on the web design and the engine of the car.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND OPEN SOURCE - To develop the engineers of this car "Riversimple" have worked for nine long years. However, according to Sebastian Piech was not wasted effort because the car represents a genuine revolution. In addition to being built with 100% recyclable material, its rate of pollution is harmless. For each kilometer traveled the "Riversimple Urban Car" leads into the atmosphere only 30 grams of carbon dioxide. Greener cars that are moving today place in our cities at least 150 grams. In addition, the scion of the German carmaker said the new form of payment that provides the fuel for free will encourage people not to keep changing cars, but use the same. "You're not buying a product" Piech said the enthusiastic Times London . "You are about to buy a transport service personnel." The same view John Constable, chairman of Riversimple: "It is something more than just an eco-car. " To accelerate the development of technology, the company has decided to follow the philosophy of "open source" means anyone who wants to improve this project can see for free on the web design and the engine of the car.
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