Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Female Volleyball Camel Toe
Eating fruits and vegetables should certainly, for many reasons.
Seguire la stagionalità dei cibi permette di usare meno pesticidi , consumare meno energia e produrre meno emissioni inquinanti per il riscaldamento delle serre, per la loro conservazione nel caso si tratti di prodotti colti e messi poi a maturare in grandi celle frigorifere e per il loro trasporto nel momento in cui provengono da altri Paesi.
Motivi economici
Comprando frutta e verdura di stagione si risparmia anche sul portafogli.
Motivi nutrizionali
I prodotti di stagione sono più freschi e dunque più nutrienti.
But it is also a very good reason that, quite simply, seasonal products taste better! ;-)
(from Luigi Vianello: Four good reasons to eat seasonal products )
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Shallow Pioneer Vs Shallow Kicker
Italian government has been given the recognition of "Common reuser 2010" , national award created in 1998 by the Friends of the Earth with Class onlus and the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, dedicated to government purchases and choices that are in line with the theme of environmental sustainability.
The award went to the reality of average size as Ravenna, Ferrara, Novara and Verbania, next to which stand out as Lallio small towns in the province of Bergamo, in the province of Turin, Grugliasco, Pioltello in the province of Milan, in the province of Cislago Varese, which prove the most receptive to this type of policy, and Bari is the only major city rewarded. The government awarded
have chosen to buy recycled or reused materials and products for the functioning of public offices, such as printer cartridges, paper, plastic bags, biodegradable tableware for public canteens. Or chose electric cars for municipal vehicles , have endowed schools photovoltaic , have set up collection points 'on tap' for detergents .
Stefano Apuzzo, president of Friends of the Earth said: "The national legislation does not help much and can be improved, but we must recognize that many administrators are turning to green purchasing and have begun to evaluate the products purchased under cost of their life cycle. " The difficulties are not lacking. Apuzzo concludes: "One of the problems, for example, is the absence of guidelines for drafting invitations eco-friendly, which makes it harder to le eccellenze locali a livello di sistema".
(da Il Resto del Carlino )
Marine Design Wrestling Singlet
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Shower Cap At Babies R Us
"Happy Tragedies" is a suggestion to return to human emotions and less of a spectacle.
to stop being shaped by television faces of sorrow or joy, with a commercial logo overlay.
In his " pictomondo "reworks, with technical skills and content, the 'love he has for the painting African , Amerindian and the new pop art : empty and the least fashionable .
Licia Viera has exhibited since 1999 in numerous group shows held in Milan, Rome, Naples, Florence, Lucca, Torino, Vicenza, Verona, Bassano, Bologna, Venice.
Happy Tragedies is the first real personal.
The exhibition, which will open Saturday, December 4, 2010 , to 19.00 at Spazio in Nadir against S. Catherine 20 in Vicenza,
remain visible until the first week of January 2011 .

Gallblader Stones Honey
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Short Styles Thin Grey Hair
Le cartucce per stampanti esaurite , che non possono più essere ricaricate, per Eco Store valgono ancora!
Possono infatti essere smaltite negli Eco Point che si trovano nei punti vendita.
Cerca il pannello con il logo di Legambiente all’interno dei negozi di cartucce per stampanti Eco Store : ci troverai l'Eco Point, un vero e proprio centro di raccolta presso il quale potrai bring and dispose of your empty printer cartridges.
* For printer cartridges for ink-jet regenerable receive in exchange 1 euro.
* For printer cartridges receive instead a non-regenerative tissue for the PC monitor.
In this way, stores cartridges Eco Store, you can to value empty printer cartridges and prevent them from being released into the environment.
The initiative was developed in collaboration with Legambiente.
Legambiente The relationship was established in 2005 under the sponsorship of the Italian edition of Clean Up the World, "Clean up the world." Since then, the association sponsors Eco Store in projects related to environmental sustainability, the desire to produce less waste as possible and to dispose of as much as possible.
Eco Store has always been attentive to the process of regeneration of spent printer cartridges, sports field every year, new initiatives that aim to reuse and proper disposal of empty.
Nei negozi Eco Store, infatti, i clienti hanno diverse possibilità per dare valore alle cartucce vuote e evitare che vengano disperse nell’ambiente.
* Le cartucce per stampanti che non si possono ricaricare possono essere smaltite nell’Eco Point.
* Le cartucce per stampanti ricaricabili possono essere riutilizzate fino a 5 volte, ricaricandole con l'innovativo sistema professionale Ink Evolution.
* Sono disponibili infine Kit di ricarica per cartucce per stampanti ink jet che consentono, con meno di 3 euro, la ricarica “fai da te” delle cartucce a getto d’inchiostro.
Maggiori informazioni su www.ecostore.it .
Monday, November 29, 2010
7 Cm Kidney Cysts Survival
Si terrà giovedì 16 dicembre 2010 a partire dalle ore 9.00, presso la Sala Consiglio della Camera di Commercio di Via Meravigli 9/B a Milano, l'ottava edizione del Convegno Nazionale Immissioni ed Emissioni Sostenibili dal titolo “Le emissioni nelle grandi città: piani e azioni per fermare l'inquinamento".
L'iniziativa si svolge con il contributo di Fondazione Cariplo, della Regione Lombardia, della
Provincia di Milano e con il patrocinio Chamber of Commerce and the European Commission Representation in Milan.
Participation is free.
Here you can download the registration form:
For information and registration:
Lombardia Via Passerini 18
Milano Tel 02 66104888 Fax 02 89076020
Friday, November 26, 2010
Organizations Who Help People
cartridges for printers, paper, shopping bags, electric batteries ...
There are many products that at the end of their useful life can still be exploited.
Each year the European Union dedicates a week of events, shows and conferences on how to reduce our waste.
The "European Week of waste this year falls on November 20 to 28. The new 2010 will be a flash mob, BatucaMob, which combines Brazilian rhythms and respect for the environment.
Over the past 40 years the weight of garbage produced by households in Europe has doubled, and is not likely to diminish.
The EU asked to do small everyday actions. And I also recommend some, to be taken in the office at school or at home, how to make compost biodegradable waste, reuse and repair items of daily use. Or bring a snack from home, in special containers, always write on both sides of the paper, it is advisable also use the e-mail than fax, and give back the printer cartridges to recharge them .
certainly a big responsibility for what ends up in the bins is due to packaging companies: real matryoshkas packaging, of which most are plastic, which complicate the management of what could be recycled. So here is that the Conai has drafted a handbook advice to clarify ideas on how to better differentiate .
not enough, however. The EU has declared war on waste in five different fronts, related to many initiatives.
- "Too much garbage" è il primo, e vuole far conoscere l’impatto ambientale ed economico della crescita “industriale” dei rifiuti.
- Poi c’è “Produrre Meglio” che vuole incoraggiare le imprese a ridurre gli scarti.
- “Consumare Meglio” invece si rivolge ai consumatori con attività di informazione.
- Prima di condannare a morte un prodotto valutiamo se è possibile usarlo in altro modo, questa è l’idea di “Lunga vita ai prodotti” che promuove il riuso.
- Infine “Meno rifiuti gettati via” presenta le soluzioni per diminuire l’immondizia, magari facendo più attenzione alle date di scadenza.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Meaning Of Rubber Bands On Wrists

Il tema principale della performance è il mondo femminile, la donna in tutti i suoi aspetti, i suoi lati, le sue forme all'interno della società. Non si intende con ciò rappresentare i “problemi” della donna, le discriminazioni, la non – emancipazione (temi comunque, più o meno esplicitamente, toccati) ma mostrare la donna in senso amplio e generico ponendo quindi questi stessi aspetti critici accanto alla rappresentazione of the positive aspects of women: its power, its quality, its advantages.
After the show we can stop even a bit 'to drink insieme.Lo show is free, you can contribute by bringing a bottle of wine.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Orange Brown Bathroom

Abdoulie Janneh, the UN undersecretary-general and secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa: "Given the scale of the problem and its impact on the continent we have to speak with a single voice"
Exclusive to News from
Africa ADDIS ABABA - Tackling climate change was one of the daunting challenges of Africa, although an improvement in performance over the past two years has shown signs of resistance. This as stated by Abdoulie Janneh, the UN undersecretary general and executive secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). To meet the challenges of climate change mitigation and adaptation to climate change climate, said Janneh, Africa must speak with one voice, while the world prepares for the next round of negotiations scheduled for Cancun, Mexico. "Given the scale of the problem and its impact on the continent, it would be important to establish a consensus development program under the leadership of Africa. Most importantly, we must speak with a single voice, "Janneh said in his opening speech during the Seventh African Development Forum (ADF VII) held last week in Addis Ababa. He echoed his views on the President of the African Union Commission, Jean Ping, who said that this is the time for Africa to strengthen its environmental diplomacy by adopting a common position during the negotiations. "This conference could not have come at a better time. In the waiting impatiently for the meeting in Cancun, Africa, through its negotiators, ministers and heads of state should speak with one voice. E 'through a common awareness that we can succeed in the negotiations, "said Ping.
The forum, which lasted five days and Eco organized in collaboration with the African Union Commission and the African Development Bank was held under the theme Acting on climate change for sustainable development in Africa. It brought together African ministers of environment, energy and science as well as representatives of UN agencies, organizations civil society and development partners. There is no denying that climate change is one of the most challenging threats to sustainable development in Africa. Although the continent accounts for only 3.8% of the total emission of greenhouse gases, the African nations are among the most susceptible to climate change in the world. This vulnerability arises from multiple voltages associated with low adaptive capacity. First, the geographic location of many African nations is already characterized by very hot climates, marginal areas that are most exposed to climate risks such as rainfall variability, a poor soil and flooding.
Second, the economies of most African countries depend heavily on areas susceptible to climate such as agriculture, fisheries, forestry and other natural resources and tourism. Thirdly, the continent is unable to adequately respond to the direct and indirect effects of climate change because of widespread poverty, poor economic and social infrastructure, conflict, limited human and institutional capacity, technology and financial resources . The vulnerability to climate change in Africa is particularly high for the poor, who tend to live in environments subject to drought, floods and other extreme weather events.
E 'on background of this scenario that the ADF-VII was held with the aim of providing a platform for various stakeholders to discuss and build consensus around what is the best way for Africa to address climate change through effective action policies , strategies, programs and practices. "This forum provides an opportunity for the actors concerned to undertake a wide-ranging discussion covering all aspects of climate change including the right response from leaders and at the same time to gain an understanding of the signs and the impact of this problem phenomenon, "said Janneh.
In a speech read on his behalf by the Minister for the Environment John Odey, il presidente della Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan ha osservato che le sfide poste dal cambiamento climatico potrebbero provocare un'insicurezza generale ed una rottura della pace sia globale che nel continente. La questione ruota attorno alla gestione dell'uso delle terre, ai disastri naturali nella forma dell'innalzamento del livello del mare, inondazioni e scarsità d'acqua. “La migrazione pone già una grossa sfida sia a livello internazionale che nazionale, in particolare in quanto le persone che migrano a causa di problemi ambientali non sono attualmente tutelate dalla legislazione internazionale. Di conseguenza potremmo cominciare a guardare nelle nostre carte e nelle nostre leggi come leader africani per agevolare una maggiore cooperazione che ports to the management of migration problems in line with the spirit of the African Union, "said Jonathan.
The President of Ethiopia Girma Wolde-Giorgis has stressed the importance of moving from rhetoric to action as climate change is a global challenge that the essential impact in Africa is pretty devastating. The conference was preceded by activities including the sixth meeting of the group of science and technology as well as a training workshop for journalists on effective information about climate change. (Zachary Ochieng, translated by Sara Marilungo)
Paulie Bleeker Yellow Shorts
of this is "healthy gardens in times of woe," the little guidance in dealing with heat and drought, by Magistretti Susanna and Anna Peyron. Costa
solo 5 € ed è edita da Cascina Bollate , una cooperativa sociale che opera nella Casa di Reclusione di Milano-Bollate.
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1. inviare per posta, con i dati anagrafici e l'indirizzo, 7 € comprensivi dei costi di spedizione a
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Via Cristina Belgioioso 120
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2. fare un bonifico bancario di 7 € a
Cooperativa sociale Cascina Bollate
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Diaper Punishment Toys
"Il greenwashing , letteralmente lavaggio verde, the phenomenon is unfortunately very common today, the ' unjustified appropriation of environmental virtue by businesses, industries, political entities or organizations aimed at creating a positive image of its activities or products, or an image for mystifying divert attention from its responsibilities in respect of negative environmental impacts. " (Wikipedia definition of )
Advertisers and marketers know that today many consumers are aware of environmental issues and sustainability and profit by "selling out" with green credentials Often fraudulent. According to the study
Six Sins of Greenwashing , published by TerraChoice in 2007, up more than a thousand everyday products, as many as 99% was found guilty of at least one of six forms of greenwashing identified. "
(from" Greenwashing: Environmental organizations are truly environmentalist? )
Monday, October 4, 2010
Basketball Famous Paintings
A couple of years ago, Wired had a lot of headlines with an article on some myths "green" to be discredited. According to the American magazine In fact, there would be a set of beliefs carried out as flags of protest from environmentalists for several years, which in reality nothing more than legends.
The focus of the article was that it is futile to fight for small individual campaigns, as does most aprte environmentalists, when climate change is pushing the planet into chaos.
1) Life in the countryside is greener than town.
The reasons are many: from petrol (and exhaust gases) emitted to reach the villages, land emissions during processing, or during the rearing of animals, even up to the concentration of consumption grouped into communities, which could become more harmful when used individually in isolated houses.
2) The air conditioning can be ecological
it is preferable to use it in winter, despite the waste of electricity, and the resulting emissions, because the alternative would be the radiator, which pollute much more than the conditions themselves.
3) The GM crops are more environmentally friendly organic agricultural products,
fact, genetically modified organisms on which FAO also aims could solve the problem of hunger in poor countries, artificially providing food in greater quantities and cost less than organic crops.
4) The forests contribute to global warming ,
better to build farms within them.
5) China will be the solution to environmental problems,
fact the Chinese, the Indians together, are making an effort to develop renewable energy on an industrial scale, much more than is the case in America and Europe.
6) accepted the 'genetic engineering , super-
because the new GM could cut emissions of greenhouse gases.
7) The trade in "carbon credit" is not a good ,
because the agreement between industrialized and poor countries to buy shares "inquinabilità" leads to a concentration dell''inquinamento in determinate zone, situazioen assai più dannosa di una produzione più estesa ma meno fitta.
8) E' meglio acquistare un’auto usata che una nuova ibrida ,
infatti la diminuzione di produzione automobilistica inquinerà molto meno di un'auto a Euro zero.
9) Il nucleare è ecologico ,
dato che formisce energia elettrica senza emissioni di Co2.
10) E' inutile ostinarsi a combattere i cambiamenti climatici ,
bisogna abituarci ad essi, ed agire di conseguenza, preparandosi magari al peggio. Secondo Wired, infatti, saremmo ormai in ritardo per rimediare, e l’unica cosa da fare è utilizzare le conoscenze technical and scientific effort to limit the damage.
It 's interesting now to review these 10 "green heresies", because in just two years some have been revalued. What do you think?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Miniature Cricket Bat, Extra Special Signed

Manuel does the union in Maputo, craft difficile in Africa. E dovrebbe essere ricco, o almeno in via di rapido sviluppo. Glielo assicurano tutti. Pazienza il governo del suo paese, il Mozambico, vecchi marxisti che promettendogli un radioso avvenire hanno fatto schiattare un milione di persone per anni in una sanguinosa guerra civile. L’imperialismo è sempre lì, e quelli gli ex del partito unico, sono sempre ricchi, prima perché erano l’avanguardia del socialismo africano e meritavano qualche riguardo, e adesso perché sono sempre al potere, in quanto avanguardia dell’efficienza capitalistica. Questi Manuel e i mozambicani li lasciano da parte, non credono più alle chiacchiere.
Ma alla Banca mondiale, al fondo monetario, agli economisti occidentali si dovrà pur credere! E tutti dicono loro, da anni, che questo paese è uno dei nuovi miracoli dell’Africa: sottosviluppo in calo rapido, debito con l’estero saldato, tasso di crescita economica medio dell’otto per cento che lo sognano persino a Londra Roma e Parigi. Per non parlare degli ex colonialisti portoghesi. Non rimpiangevano, i signori dell’economia, nemmeno i 15 miliardi di dollari di aiuti versati dopo la fine della guerra civile; e la cancellazione di 1,3 miliardi di debiti. Soldi ben spesi! Il fatto che in cambio fossero state privatizzate 1200 imprese prima malmenate dalla inefficienza african-comunista e l’arrivo degli investitori stranieri alla ricerca rapace di manodopera a basso costo bastavano, eccome!, per definirlo il paese prediletto del fondo monetario. I sudafricani, gli ex razzisti, erano quelli che si ritagliavano gli affari migliori, assicurandosi le miniere di carbone del nord. Che il presidente che si chiama Guezeba sia soprannominato Guebussiness vorrà ben dire qualcosa.
E invece milioni di mozambicani in immancabile sviluppo verso gli obbiettivi del millennio soccombono sempre alla dieta rigorosa della miseria. Adesso fa piangere pensarci ma uno dei segni scelti da quelle eccellenze economiche per indicare che il paese era in pieno boom era la moltiplicazione delle biciclette! E’ bastato un aumento del prezzo del pane, diciassette per cento annunciato dal governo per scombinare tutto. Ed ecco che due settimane fa un paese intero, coccolato the virtuous globalization has fallen in the street. In facing the slums of Maputo where the fund's economists have never come to not dirty their shoes, because there are no sewers and markets become empty.
They threw stones, sticks out the machetes. Three, four days of a better revolution with the assault on the African shops, cars burned clashes with riot police. That, too, took a dip in prehistoric times, forgetting the democracy of fresh paint and firing at head height. Thirteen dead, maybe more ... Excessive anger? In August, the rice has increased from ten to twenty-five percent depending on the region, the gas is increased four times a year, the government that wants to have balanced books, announced that will increase the water and light. He had hitherto kept prices artificially low, not to have political trouble, and had pretended to ignore the first revolt because of the taxis here are the only means of transport.
But the prize funds, needed to respect the image of a country that knows how to repay debts and develop a clean-cut economy. Now all speak again of Mozambique as the time when the frontier was the heroic struggle against the apartheid regime. Why the West is afraid to face the school, which is just the beginning and that half of Africa just ferried in box development thanks to the Internet and you find oil in revolt. They discover that the miracle in the country 65 percent of the 23 million population still lives below the poverty line even in the capital, in rural areas and poor barrios in the development has not seen anyone. And about 600 000 tons of rice consumed every year half is imported. The
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Difference Between Ingrown Hair And Genital Warts

Rwanda - Forgotten wars: Rwanda and Congo 6 million deaths from AFRICAN VOICES
published on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 22:09
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has published about a month a very long report (600 pages) sulla guerra che da quasi 15 anni sta sconvolgendo la Repubblica Democratica del Congo. La notizia, pubblicata dai più importanti quotidiani internazionali ma quasi completamente ignorata dai media italiani, racconta di una guerra durissima, di massacri raccapriccianti e di un bilancio di milioni di morti. E’ proprio l’Onu che, in apertura di rapporto, definisce la guerra che dal 1996 impesta il Congo come ‘la Guerra Mondiale Africana’. La guerra congolese è la diretta conseguenza del genocidio perpetrato in Ruanda nei confronti degli hutu da parte del regime guidato dal Fronte Patriottico Ruandese, a maggioranza tutsi. Nel 1994 la dittatura è intervenuta duramente contro la popolazione hutu, che rappresenta quasi l’80% del paese, con uno sterminio sistematico che ha portato alla morte di quasi 850mila persone. La fuga di oltre due milioni di hutu nelle Repubblica Democratica del Congo è stata la scintilla che provocato le prime due Guerre del Congo, nelle quali dal 1996 al 2004 sarebbero morte circa cinque milioni di persone. Il Fronte Patriottico Ruandese, dopo che venne eletto presidente Paul Kagame, ha deciso di dichiarare guerra al vicino Congo, reo di proteggere e difendere gli ‘infidi’ hutu. Al suo fianco si è allora schierato Laurent Desirè Kabila, leader dei ribelli congolesi dell’Alleanza delle Forze Democratiche per la Liberazione del Congo. La prima invasione, dal 1996 al 1998, ha raso al suolo buona parte del paese, tra saccheggi, stupri and bombings continue. The support of the armies of Uganda, Burundi and Angola, openly sided with the rebels and Rwandan Tutsis, has accelerated the progress of the massacre. The Second Congo War, from 1998 to 2004, has almost completed the genocide, which continues to this day. The so-called 'Tutsi revenge' is accomplished, and more than half the population of Rwanda was brutally murdered and exterminated under the eyes of the international powers. The Rwandan army is in fact a full part in the UN peacekeeping mission in Darfur. Since 1996, died more than six million people. The BBC has devoted ample space to each other, with a special lasted more than a week. The British press is intervened, asking the UN more firmly on the terrible genocide that probably for many more years will not stop. The report should be published and disseminated but, as stated on the website of the main British broadcaster, "the allegations contained in it provoked the indignation of the Rwandan authorities." "The government in Kigali - the note continues - questioned the use of the term genocide and threatened to withdraw its troops (more than 5 thousand) from the contingent of peacekeepers operating in Darfur, just to prevent the disclosure of this text. [...] If implemented, the threat could pose a serious risk to the UNAMID peacekeeping mission in the face of increased violence the region. " In Darfur, the UN has less and less, to the detriment of the Chinese presence. Investment in Beijing and its military aid to the Sudanese government forces are slowly moving away 'peace' from the main focal points of the country. The United Nations can not let go-ahead to the Asian giant, even at the cost of closing our eyes to the genocide in Rwanda.
Monday, September 13, 2010
How To Nokia E71 Secondary Camera

Climate change could increase the incidence of civil wars in Africa. And 'the thesis that claimed the journalist and military historian Gwynne Dyer U.S.
popular in his book War and Climate 2008. "Global warming of the planet may have una pressione crescente sulle acque dolci e cibo per il prossimo secolo, scrisse, provocando disordine sociale, le migrazioni di massa e conflitti violenti”.
Ma c’è una prova reale del legame tra cambiamento climatico e la guerra civile, in particolare nelle parti in crisi dell’ Africa, come molti hanno sostenuto?
Halvard Buhaug, uno scienziato politico del Peace Research Institute di Oslo in Norvegia, nega questa ipotesi. Nella ricerca pubblicata in Atti della National Academy of Sciences1,non trova praticamente nessuna correlazione tra gli indicatori di cambiamenti climatici, come la temperatura e la variabilità delle precipitazioni, e la frequenza delle guerre civili nel corso degli ultimi 50 anni in sub-Saharan Africa, probably the part of the world that is socially and ecologically more vulnerable to climate change.
"The major causes of the civil war are political, not environmental," says Buhaug.
Marshall Burke, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley, and colleagues have pointed out, however, a strong historical link between the temperature increase in the incidence of civil wars. They found that the risk of armed conflicts around the continent has increased by about 50% between the years 1981-2003. "The expected future warming is likely, therefore, to offset the positive effects of democratization and eliminazione della povertà in Africa”, hanno avvertito.
I due gruppi di ricercatori contrapposti stanno ora contestando la validità delle rispettive conclusioni.
Buhaug dice che lo studio di Burke potrebbe essere stato deviato dalla scelta dei dati sul clima, e dalla definizione ristretta di ‘guerra civile’ per ogni anno che ha visto più di 1.000 vittime di un conflitto tra-nazioni, affermando che: ”Se un conflitto dura da 10 anni, ma in solo 3 di essi il bilancio dei morti supera i 1.000, per Burke si tratta di tre guerre diverse”.
Ma in un rapporto del Pentagono del 2003 sulla sicurezza, si rilevano implicazioni climatiche nelle guerre civili in Africa e nel documento di valutazione delle Nazioni Unite sul conflitto ambientale del Sudan nel 2007,si constata che il cambiamento climatico è un fattore aggravante nel conflitto del Darfur.
Visto le molte cause di agitazioni, non sorprende che una correlazione significativa con il clima sia difficile da definire, dice Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, direttore dell’Istituto di Potsdam per la ricerca sugli impatti climatici in Germania. “Anche se i dati e metodi sono stati all’altezza del compito, non si è ancora in grado di discernere i segnali ancora deboli dell’incidenza del clima sulle guerre civili.”