"Happy Tragedies" is a suggestion to return to human emotions and less of a spectacle.
to stop being shaped by television faces of sorrow or joy, with a commercial logo overlay.
In his " pictomondo "reworks, with technical skills and content, the 'love he has for the painting African , Amerindian and the new pop art : empty and the least fashionable .
Licia Viera has exhibited since 1999 in numerous group shows held in Milan, Rome, Naples, Florence, Lucca, Torino, Vicenza, Verona, Bassano, Bologna, Venice.
Happy Tragedies is the first real personal.
The exhibition, which will open Saturday, December 4, 2010 , to 19.00 at Spazio in Nadir against S. Catherine 20 in Vicenza,
remain visible until the first week of January 2011 .

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