Abdoulie Janneh, the UN undersecretary-general and secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa: "Given the scale of the problem and its impact on the continent we have to speak with a single voice"
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Africa ADDIS ABABA - Tackling climate change was one of the daunting challenges of Africa, although an improvement in performance over the past two years has shown signs of resistance. This as stated by Abdoulie Janneh, the UN undersecretary general and executive secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). To meet the challenges of climate change mitigation and adaptation to climate change climate, said Janneh, Africa must speak with one voice, while the world prepares for the next round of negotiations scheduled for Cancun, Mexico. "Given the scale of the problem and its impact on the continent, it would be important to establish a consensus development program under the leadership of Africa. Most importantly, we must speak with a single voice, "Janneh said in his opening speech during the Seventh African Development Forum (ADF VII) held last week in Addis Ababa. He echoed his views on the President of the African Union Commission, Jean Ping, who said that this is the time for Africa to strengthen its environmental diplomacy by adopting a common position during the negotiations. "This conference could not have come at a better time. In the waiting impatiently for the meeting in Cancun, Africa, through its negotiators, ministers and heads of state should speak with one voice. E 'through a common awareness that we can succeed in the negotiations, "said Ping.
The forum, which lasted five days and Eco organized in collaboration with the African Union Commission and the African Development Bank was held under the theme Acting on climate change for sustainable development in Africa. It brought together African ministers of environment, energy and science as well as representatives of UN agencies, organizations civil society and development partners. There is no denying that climate change is one of the most challenging threats to sustainable development in Africa. Although the continent accounts for only 3.8% of the total emission of greenhouse gases, the African nations are among the most susceptible to climate change in the world. This vulnerability arises from multiple voltages associated with low adaptive capacity. First, the geographic location of many African nations is already characterized by very hot climates, marginal areas that are most exposed to climate risks such as rainfall variability, a poor soil and flooding.
Second, the economies of most African countries depend heavily on areas susceptible to climate such as agriculture, fisheries, forestry and other natural resources and tourism. Thirdly, the continent is unable to adequately respond to the direct and indirect effects of climate change because of widespread poverty, poor economic and social infrastructure, conflict, limited human and institutional capacity, technology and financial resources . The vulnerability to climate change in Africa is particularly high for the poor, who tend to live in environments subject to drought, floods and other extreme weather events.
E 'on background of this scenario that the ADF-VII was held with the aim of providing a platform for various stakeholders to discuss and build consensus around what is the best way for Africa to address climate change through effective action policies , strategies, programs and practices. "This forum provides an opportunity for the actors concerned to undertake a wide-ranging discussion covering all aspects of climate change including the right response from leaders and at the same time to gain an understanding of the signs and the impact of this problem phenomenon, "said Janneh.
In a speech read on his behalf by the Minister for the Environment John Odey, il presidente della Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan ha osservato che le sfide poste dal cambiamento climatico potrebbero provocare un'insicurezza generale ed una rottura della pace sia globale che nel continente. La questione ruota attorno alla gestione dell'uso delle terre, ai disastri naturali nella forma dell'innalzamento del livello del mare, inondazioni e scarsità d'acqua. “La migrazione pone già una grossa sfida sia a livello internazionale che nazionale, in particolare in quanto le persone che migrano a causa di problemi ambientali non sono attualmente tutelate dalla legislazione internazionale. Di conseguenza potremmo cominciare a guardare nelle nostre carte e nelle nostre leggi come leader africani per agevolare una maggiore cooperazione che ports to the management of migration problems in line with the spirit of the African Union, "said Jonathan.
The President of Ethiopia Girma Wolde-Giorgis has stressed the importance of moving from rhetoric to action as climate change is a global challenge that the essential impact in Africa is pretty devastating. The conference was preceded by activities including the sixth meeting of the group of science and technology as well as a training workshop for journalists on effective information about climate change. (Zachary Ochieng, translated by Sara Marilungo)
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