The luxury homes in Milan under construction at the new district CityLife are equipped with heating: this is the first example in Milan in which the entire heating and cooling system is designed to zero-emission without any type of combustion.
E 'A2A Calore & Services, the company that takes care of the A2A Group of district heating, to provide power efficiency.
Giuliano Zuccoli, Chairman of the Management Board of A2A said: "This important initiative is part of the project multi-annual development of district heating that A2A, with the strong support and backing of City, has under construction in the Municipality of Milan. "This work is linked to better meet the need, on the one hand, the energy requirements of the new buildings that will arise in the former-Fair and the other to obtain the lowest possible environmental impact on the territory."
Water hot water is provided by A2A through a link with the district heating network from the incinerator Amsa Figino - Silla 2, where does this clean energy recovery heat from waste heat recovered from the plant.
This technology allows the realization of minimize the environmental impact territory, reducing to zero emissions of pollutants (dust, nitrogen oxides, CO2 etc) , to avoid the installation of conventional gas boilers, completely eliminating all the fires and to ensure greater safety operating the plant.
"With this solution - continues Zuccoli - CityLife it meets the need to create buildings with high environmental performance with improved energy efficiency as possible to the energy certification of new buildings."
What can I say? A solution that will surely agree.
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