chat between adults on a children's book
content of the meeting:
The climate of the planet is really changing?
Human activities can affect this change?
On these issues, it is true that among scientists there is still much disagreement?
Climate change is a future problem, or something is happening already in our day?
how international politics is moving on a complex issue?
... and what can each of us?
questions on which boys and girls aged 10 and over are struggling to find clear answers and reliable, but put in a difficult position at times even adults, nonostatne this is an issue central to our future.
the author:
Pernigotti Daniel has over 15 years of experience in the environmental field. Plays attività di giornalista free-lance sul tema del cambiamento climatico, seguendo in prima persona il negoziato delle Nazioni Unite (UNFCCC) sul tema. E' inoltre delegato italiano in ambito ISO per lo sviluppo delle norme sui gas serra e cordinatore del relativo gruppo nazionale UNI. Supporta sullo stesso tema l'ente di accreditamento italiano ACCREDIA.
Antonio dalla Pozza, Assessore all'Ambiente del Comune di Vicenza
Domenica 20 febbraio ore 17.30

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