Cresce l’offerta turistica amica dell'ambiente
Sul territorio italiano e nella vicina Costa Azzurra esistono ben 426 strutture ricettive impegnate a difendere l’ambiente coniugando turismo e sostenibilità . They and their commitment to save energy, separate waste, offer sustainable mobility is the eco-label Legambiente that even in 2010, is ready to report the best facilities. The selection criteria for the experts of the association are: better management, gastronomy, the communication environment and the surrounding area, the environmental commitment of the staff. At the regional level
stands out among all the Emilia Romagna with 126 structures "climate-friendly", followed by 51 of Lombardy.
"The growing success of eco-label Legambiente - said the president of Legambiente Vittorio Cogliati Dezza - is a strong indication of how increased attention in recent years towards the protection and care of the environment especially in a sector such as tourism, more than any other should focus on natural resources and landscape of the country. The attention to saving resources and the respect of the territory shall become, through this label, a valuable promotional tool for businesses but also a further guarantee of quality for customers increasingly sensitive to protecting the environment. " This success was confirmed in the first half of 2010 with over 100 new entries and new groups emerged in Sardinia, Campania, Marche and Salento.
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