Paolo Scaroni: Eni dice no al nucleare
Paolo Scaroni, Eni's CEO, said that his company has no plans to enter the Italian game of nuclear power, although it considers the choice made a year ago madness.
"Before you think to fill places with windmills that do not have the wind - said Paolo Scaroni MedForum Milan during the conference - and to cover our territory with little solar panels that use a 80-year-old technology, we must explore all avenues to save energy. "
"The four oil countries of North Africa, Egypt, and Libya, Tunisia and Algeria Despite making up less than 5% of world production of oil and gas, we represent almost 35% of the production - said Paolo Scaroni , recalling that Eni has invested $ 50 billion in 10 years in North Africa, giving employs more than 5,000 people.
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