event not to be missed! Oxygen spa
ore 18.00:
Aperitivo eco-sostenibile
ore 18.30:
Proiezione del video "L'era dell'adattamento" di Globalreboot.org
Interviene Lorenzo Fioramonti , autore del documentario "L'era dell'adattamento" e creatore del sito Globalreboot.org
ore 19.30:
Discussione pubblica in vista del COP15 a Copenhagen
In December 2009 the governments of the world will gather in Copenhagen for the fifteenth UN Climate Conference (COP15), which will have to find a successor to the Kyoto Protocol. It will be the biggest summit on climate change ever. The call to climate action movements show December 12 in the world day climate and join mass nonviolent action Dec. 16 for a day to fill the convention center where Bella Center will host the conference of world powers.
spoke David Balleby Rønbach , Climate Justice Action , Klimax from Copenhagen
Here is the flyer:
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