In December 2009 the governments of the world will gather in Copenhagen for the fifteenth UN Climate Conference (COP15 ), which will have to find a successor to the Kyoto Protocol. It will be the biggest summit on climate change ever. Companies and governments of the countries want to impose overdeveloped false solutions such as emissions trading market that does not stop the trend to global warming.
Climate Justice Action (CJA), the worldwide network of movement for Climate Justice, called for expressions of December 12 during the day on climate change and to join non-violent mass action on 16 December at the Bella Center, home to the COP15. Other actions on the climate issue will take place in Copenhagen from 11 to 16 December (http://www.climate-justice-action.org/mobilization/action-calendar)
Even in Italy are emerging groups who demand justice conditions.
Climate Action Bologna, of one or more buses to Copenhagen flights from Bologna Thursday, December 10 and return Dec. 17, to support the mobilizations organized by CJA (and say enough to the mass ejections of low-cost !).
The cost is 100 euri a testa A/R (ma scenderà grazie ad autofinanziamenti o adesioni di massa).
Per bloccare il tuo posto è necessario dare una caparra iniziale di 25 EURI , che puoi lasciare al banchetto informativo che ogni giovedì dalle 18 è presente all'XM24 in via Fioravanti 24.
Il pacchetto comprende:
- Lo spazio per dormire per chi viene in pullman è garantito.
- Inoltre all'interno degli spazi per dormire saranno garantiti pasti a prezzi "popolari".
Per maggiori informazioni scrivi a: azioneclimaticabologna@gmail.com
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