Thursday, June 17, 2010

Many Members Does Average Gym Have

Legambiente lancia l'etichetta per l'impronta di Co2

label is called "THE CLIMATE" the progetto di Legambiente , primo in Italia ad esprimere l'impronta di CO2 di un prodotto : è uno strumento che serve all'azienda a conoscere da un angolo visuale nuovo il proprio prodotto e che informa il consumatore sulle emissioni di gas climalteranti emesse durante una o più fasi del ciclo di vita del prodotto.

Epson è la prima tra le aziende IT a indicare il suo impegno verso il consumatore, comunicando la quantità di CO2 generata da alcune stampanti durante il loro utilizzo, per il consumo elettrico.
"Complimenti ad Epson che ha aderito a Etichetta "PER IL CLIMA", una vera iniziativa italiana di green economy , sull'esempio di altri paesi europei, where now the institutions and enterprises engaged in the front row Environmental - says Andrea Poggio, Vice Director of National Legambiente -. Today, Epson is the first company that allows consumers to choose not only on price and features, but also on the basis of ' impact on energy consumption and climatic changes. An example that we hope will be many to follow. That's how everyone can do their part to reduce energy consumption "The first printer to boast the 'label' to the climate" is the business of Legambiente Epson inkjet B510DN: his imprint is equal to 0.134 grams of CO2 equivalent to the printed page (In draft mode). The calculation was made taking into account the power consumption during a cycle average weekly Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC). TEC is considered the cycle of 7 days during which to calculate the moments when the machine is in sleep mode (weekends, night, lunch break) and the moments of work. In total, according to this weekly cycle, the printer will be used to make 3360 prints and the overall impact will be 452grammi of CO2 equivalent. Among the recommendations for use with a warning label already fundamental turning the printer off in the evening and at weekends you get to save 65% CO2eq from that stated on the label. In addition, to better use the printer can be some simple precautions: Set default printer to print double-sided and in draft mode, and use the print preview and print only when necessary, use recycled paper, preferably with labeling environmental (eg the European Ecoflower).


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