Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Female Volleyball Camel Toe
Eating fruits and vegetables should certainly, for many reasons.
Seguire la stagionalità dei cibi permette di usare meno pesticidi , consumare meno energia e produrre meno emissioni inquinanti per il riscaldamento delle serre, per la loro conservazione nel caso si tratti di prodotti colti e messi poi a maturare in grandi celle frigorifere e per il loro trasporto nel momento in cui provengono da altri Paesi.
Motivi economici
Comprando frutta e verdura di stagione si risparmia anche sul portafogli.
Motivi nutrizionali
I prodotti di stagione sono più freschi e dunque più nutrienti.
But it is also a very good reason that, quite simply, seasonal products taste better! ;-)
(from Luigi Vianello: Four good reasons to eat seasonal products )
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Shallow Pioneer Vs Shallow Kicker
Italian government has been given the recognition of "Common reuser 2010" , national award created in 1998 by the Friends of the Earth with Class onlus and the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, dedicated to government purchases and choices that are in line with the theme of environmental sustainability.
The award went to the reality of average size as Ravenna, Ferrara, Novara and Verbania, next to which stand out as Lallio small towns in the province of Bergamo, in the province of Turin, Grugliasco, Pioltello in the province of Milan, in the province of Cislago Varese, which prove the most receptive to this type of policy, and Bari is the only major city rewarded. The government awarded
have chosen to buy recycled or reused materials and products for the functioning of public offices, such as printer cartridges, paper, plastic bags, biodegradable tableware for public canteens. Or chose electric cars for municipal vehicles , have endowed schools photovoltaic , have set up collection points 'on tap' for detergents .
Stefano Apuzzo, president of Friends of the Earth said: "The national legislation does not help much and can be improved, but we must recognize that many administrators are turning to green purchasing and have begun to evaluate the products purchased under cost of their life cycle. " The difficulties are not lacking. Apuzzo concludes: "One of the problems, for example, is the absence of guidelines for drafting invitations eco-friendly, which makes it harder to le eccellenze locali a livello di sistema".
(da Il Resto del Carlino )
Marine Design Wrestling Singlet
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Shower Cap At Babies R Us
"Happy Tragedies" is a suggestion to return to human emotions and less of a spectacle.
to stop being shaped by television faces of sorrow or joy, with a commercial logo overlay.
In his " pictomondo "reworks, with technical skills and content, the 'love he has for the painting African , Amerindian and the new pop art : empty and the least fashionable .
Licia Viera has exhibited since 1999 in numerous group shows held in Milan, Rome, Naples, Florence, Lucca, Torino, Vicenza, Verona, Bassano, Bologna, Venice.
Happy Tragedies is the first real personal.
The exhibition, which will open Saturday, December 4, 2010 , to 19.00 at Spazio in Nadir against S. Catherine 20 in Vicenza,
remain visible until the first week of January 2011 .

Gallblader Stones Honey
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Short Styles Thin Grey Hair
Le cartucce per stampanti esaurite , che non possono più essere ricaricate, per Eco Store valgono ancora!
Possono infatti essere smaltite negli Eco Point che si trovano nei punti vendita.
Cerca il pannello con il logo di Legambiente all’interno dei negozi di cartucce per stampanti Eco Store : ci troverai l'Eco Point, un vero e proprio centro di raccolta presso il quale potrai bring and dispose of your empty printer cartridges.
* For printer cartridges for ink-jet regenerable receive in exchange 1 euro.
* For printer cartridges receive instead a non-regenerative tissue for the PC monitor.
In this way, stores cartridges Eco Store, you can to value empty printer cartridges and prevent them from being released into the environment.
The initiative was developed in collaboration with Legambiente.
Legambiente The relationship was established in 2005 under the sponsorship of the Italian edition of Clean Up the World, "Clean up the world." Since then, the association sponsors Eco Store in projects related to environmental sustainability, the desire to produce less waste as possible and to dispose of as much as possible.
Eco Store has always been attentive to the process of regeneration of spent printer cartridges, sports field every year, new initiatives that aim to reuse and proper disposal of empty.
Nei negozi Eco Store, infatti, i clienti hanno diverse possibilità per dare valore alle cartucce vuote e evitare che vengano disperse nell’ambiente.
* Le cartucce per stampanti che non si possono ricaricare possono essere smaltite nell’Eco Point.
* Le cartucce per stampanti ricaricabili possono essere riutilizzate fino a 5 volte, ricaricandole con l'innovativo sistema professionale Ink Evolution.
* Sono disponibili infine Kit di ricarica per cartucce per stampanti ink jet che consentono, con meno di 3 euro, la ricarica “fai da te” delle cartucce a getto d’inchiostro.
Maggiori informazioni su www.ecostore.it .