Viewed from Agadez, the last embrace of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is a hoax. In this beautiful city of red mud in the middle of the Sahara in Niger, ratified the agreement on immigration in Tripoli on March 2 last year is already paper. From Agadez and Dodge trucks loaded with African migrants who hope to arrive in Lampedusa, Italy or Europe have resumed their trips to Libya. The traffic is distributed as in its heyday. Under the indifferent eyes and often involved the Libyan army, which controls the slope of rocks and sand at the border of Tumu in the silence of the desert.
Gaddafi, south of the Sahara today is only an executor of decisions taken in Paris. To stop or slow the march of illegal immigrants to their future, Berlusconi should rather seek the intervention of French President Nikolas Sarkozy, because the way for human traffickers was reopened thanks to the War of the Tuaregs. A war for uranium by France in the Agadez region (see chronology on page 36). From November 2008 thousands of people have moved from the town red to go north. With a record of departures between January and February, almost 10,000 boys and girls on the run from West Africa. By next summer we will understand if this generation of twentysomethings have found employment in Libya will appear on the news or on the boats adrift in the Mediterranean. Their goal, they say, is to arrive in Italy or somewhere in Europe.
On February 24, Berlusconi met with Sarkozy. But he talked about immigration. The two discussed a return to nuclear energy in Italy. And contracts for billions of euro between now and 2030 in favor of Paris. Areva, the French nuclear giant state-owned, needs new customers. Because in 2012 the company will have so much available that uranium, to amortize the initial investment of 1.2 billion euro, now must find someone willing to buy it. Otherwise likely to pay dearly for the financial crisis that has fallen. All quell'uranio, however, has not yet arrived in France. For the time being in Niger, near Agadez: a Imouraren, in the sand in the mega-field that will begin to produce in three years, the second in the world after McArthur River in Canada.
that in his visit to Rome on February 24 Mr Sarkozy has told Berlusconi that France is in Niger has played a dirty game. As she was accustomed to do in Africa at the time of General Charles de Gaulle. And at the end Areva has managed to wrest Canada and China the license for the mega-deposit Imouraren. But even Sarkozy has told Berlusconi that the Tuaregs, supported by 007 French in war games, you are forgiven tinkering with immigrants who want to land in Italy. After all, it's always energy and labor to feed into the European economy. The difference is that the minerals uraninite uranium salts in processed traveling protected up to the enrichment plants in France. Migrants are subjected to every kind of violence and 12 percent die before they reach Europe.
(March 26, 2009) Source
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