Sunday, March 29, 2009

Olympic Volleyball Camel Toes

NIGER: The Way of uranium

Viewed from Agadez, the last embrace of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is a hoax. In this beautiful city of red mud in the middle of the Sahara in Niger, ratified the agreement on immigration in Tripoli on March 2 last year is already paper. From Agadez and Dodge trucks loaded with African migrants who hope to arrive in Lampedusa, Italy or Europe have resumed their trips to Libya. The traffic is distributed as in its heyday. Under the indifferent eyes and often involved the Libyan army, which controls the slope of rocks and sand at the border of Tumu in the silence of the desert.

Gaddafi, south of the Sahara today is only an executor of decisions taken in Paris. To stop or slow the march of illegal immigrants to their future, Berlusconi should rather seek the intervention of French President Nikolas Sarkozy, because the way for human traffickers was reopened thanks to the War of the Tuaregs. A war for uranium by France in the Agadez region (see chronology on page 36). From November 2008 thousands of people have moved from the town red to go north. With a record of departures between January and February, almost 10,000 boys and girls on the run from West Africa. By next summer we will understand if this generation of twentysomethings have found employment in Libya will appear on the news or on the boats adrift in the Mediterranean. Their goal, they say, is to arrive in Italy or somewhere in Europe.

On February 24, Berlusconi met with Sarkozy. But he talked about immigration. The two discussed a return to nuclear energy in Italy. And contracts for billions of euro between now and 2030 in favor of Paris. Areva, the French nuclear giant state-owned, needs new customers. Because in 2012 the company will have so much available that uranium, to amortize the initial investment of 1.2 billion euro, now must find someone willing to buy it. Otherwise likely to pay dearly for the financial crisis that has fallen. All quell'uranio, however, has not yet arrived in France. For the time being in Niger, near Agadez: a Imouraren, in the sand in the mega-field that will begin to produce in three years, the second in the world after McArthur River in Canada.

that in his visit to Rome on February 24 Mr Sarkozy has told Berlusconi that France is in Niger has played a dirty game. As she was accustomed to do in Africa at the time of General Charles de Gaulle. And at the end Areva has managed to wrest Canada and China the license for the mega-deposit Imouraren. But even Sarkozy has told Berlusconi that the Tuaregs, supported by 007 French in war games, you are forgiven tinkering with immigrants who want to land in Italy. After all, it's always energy and labor to feed into the European economy. The difference is that the minerals uraninite uranium salts in processed traveling protected up to the enrichment plants in France. Migrants are subjected to every kind of violence and 12 percent die before they reach Europe.

(March 26, 2009) Source

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Print A3 From Powerpoint 2007

Madagascar: handover

On 17th the President of Madagascar Marc Ravalomanana has issued an order announcing the dissolution of the government and the establishment of an executive committee in charge of the military powers of the President and the prime minister. However, the presidential order has met the 'opposition faction of the opposition and the military that support it.

On the same day Ravalomanana announced his resignation from the post of president and delivery of executive powers to a committee he appointed military led by Lieutenant General Hyppolite Ramaroson. Opposition leader Andry Rajoelina and the Chief of Army Staff Andriarijaona Andre refused to accept the order.

In a statement on day 17, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called the various parties in Madagascar to act with a responsible attitude and to ensure the stability of the state and the peaceful transition of power in a democratic form.

Through his spokesman, the day 17 the High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana ha espresso inquietudine per la situazione in Madagascar, definendo inaccettabile il ricorso alla forza per effettuare un breve processo di elaborazione della Costituzione.
Fonte : Radio Cina Internazionale

Thursday, March 12, 2009

St Louis Men's Brazillian Wax


- Insieme ai tre componenti dello staff internazionale di Medici senza frontiere (Msf) rapiti nel Darfur - tra i quali un italiano - sono stati sequestrati anche due operatori sudanesi, già rilasciati. Lo afferma un comunicato di Msf. Il rapimento è avvenuto ieri sera nella zona di Serif Umra. Le tre persone ancora in mano ai rapitori sono un infermiere canadese, un medico italiano e un coordinatore medico francese, che lavorano per la sezione belga di Msf. I their relatives were informed. MSF is working to get more information on the circumstances and the reasons for this kidnapping. "We are close colleagues and families of those abducted. Msf - continues the statement - is seriously concerned for their safety and are doing everything possible to see where the abducted persons and to ensure their safety and quick release. Currently, MSF does not release more information to ensure the safety of our colleagues. "

"The line of silence has already been rewarding." The Minister for Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini - talking about the kidnapping of members of MSF, including an Italian - he reiterated the appeal not to spread news that could "jeopardize all the activity that we have already set up for the release of the hostages. "
source free

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Negative Effects Of Blunts

Sudan: Who is Bashir

came to power after a coup, the Sudanese president is accused of the violence in Darfur

Al-Bashir (AP)
KHARTOUM - Omar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir is the current president of Sudan. According to the indictment, is liable to have orchestrated a campaign of violence in the Darfur region in western areas of the country, starting since 2003. After the arrest warrant decided against it, has become the highest-profile figure sought by the ICTY since its establishment in 2002.

THE CONFLICT - Bashir came to power after the coup of 1989 that overthrew Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi. In 2003 conflict broke out in Darfur. "A semi-desert region, but rich in groundwater resources - according to a UNICEF report - put on fire by Janjaweed militias backed by the Khartoum government, whose raids have forced half of the rural population to flee." Six years of war that have killed at least 300,000 deaths and 2.7 million displaced persons and refugees. The definition of "genocide" for the violence, however, is doubtful: according to a UN report of 2005 in Darfur, there were mass killings but they do not fall into the category of "genocide."

cult of personality '- In recent weeks, awaiting the decision of the Hague Tribunal, Omar al Bashir has succumbed to the cult of personality in the streets of the capital appeared gigantic posters with the President in the foreground, to remind the Sudanese "virtue" of their rais and the "treachery" of the International Criminal Court. "Al Bashir, the symbol of our pride and our dignity," "Conspiracy Ocampo (Chief Prosecutor of the Court, ed): a desperate attempt that aims to hit the Sudanese people," read the posters. In recent days, about the likely arrest warrant, Bashir had said: "What should be prepared as well ... may well eat it. " The President waited until the decision of the Court inaugurated the largest hydroelectric dam on the Nile at Aswan after that - built in ten years from 1960 to 1970 - at Meroe, a town 400 km north of Khartoum. Created by a consortium of Chinese companies under the supervision of a German group, the dam has cost - according to figures released in Khartoum - more than two billion dollars, financed by Chinese and Sudanese capital.

Here, in summary, the main stages of the crisis in Darfur:

- 1956: Sudan gains independence from Britain. He was born an Arab government

- 1955: the first civil war broke out in Sudan that pits government forces and Muslim rebels in the largely Muslim south of the country. The conflict ended in 1972

- 1958: it requires the country's military dictatorship of Bashir

- 1983: This is the beginning of the second Sudanese civil war which lasted until 2002. They open the negotiations but do not meet the southern rebels who accuse the government of oppressing non-Arab population

- 2003: The rebel Justice and Equality Movement and Sudan Liberation Army attacked government forces. Khartoum Janjaweed militia is needed to suppress, but always denies any link with the paramilitaries

-8 April 2004: signed the cease-fire between the Sudanese government and rebels. But the attacks of the Janjaweed continue. 100 000 people fleeing

to Chad - July 2004: UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, visiting the region and urged the government to stop the violence. The African Union and the European Union decided to monitor the situation

- July 23: The U.S. Congress defines what genocide is happening in Sudan

- July 30: UN launches an ultimatum to the Sudanese government: it has 30 days to disarm the militias

- August 30: At the expiration of the Annan says in a report that the militias remain armed and continue to attack civilians, and that the government has not kept its commitments.

-9 September 2004: Former U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell, said that in Darfur is an ongoing genocide

- October 2004: Kofi Annan is a commission charged with investigating crimes in Sudan. It consists of 5 members, chaired by Antonio Cassese, former President of the Court delll'Onu for war crimes in former Yugoslavia.

- January 31, 2005: The committee presents its report on Darfur. Confirmation that are taking place in Sudan appalling crimes of war, but does not speak of genocide. Managers, he argues, must be tried by the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The United States rejects this conclusion, in part because opponents of the Court and always aim to create an ad hoc tribunal, established in Tanzania under the aegis of the African Union

- 5 aprile 2005: il procuratore della Tribunale Penale Internazionale, Luis Moreno Ocampo, riceve da Annan una lista con i nomi delle persone accusate dalla commissione di inchiesta dell'Onu di aver commesso crimini contro l'umanità.

- 14 luglio 2008: Moreno-Ocampo chiede l'arresto di Bashir.

Fonte Corriere della sera