Overland Travel books about Africa Traveling
Title Information
Madagascar, at the dawn of the world Author: Raffaele Tomasulo
Editor: Peter Pintore
Year: 2005
Pages: 76 The Madagascar told through images and through a good story Travel. A real insight into not only shows the beauty of the country, but falls into the daily life of Madagascar. A work rich in all respects.
Sand for Water
Author: Claudio Zaninotto
Publisher: Van Gogh's Ear
Pages: 132 (32 photos)
preface Job Covatta
afterword by Tommy Simmons.
The account of the humanitarian mission which led the author to cross with her son in Africa. From Tunis to Cape Town by truck for 130 days, 20,000 miles and 11 countries visited. He won the International Literary Prize Giuseppe Molino (Messina 03/16/2003). It can be ordered through the Association Anthropos, either through AMREF Italy or even more easily online by going to www.internetbookshop.it
Botswana Zimbabwe Mozambique
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Author: Pietro Tarallo
Publisher: Ulysse Moizzi
Year: 2000
Pages: 240 The classic travel guide, simple and clear, for each of the three countries covered is divided into several areas: geography, environment, history, and then you move to more practical: to arrive, leave, accommodation food. The last part is devoted to the author suggested itineraries. The guide is complemented by excellent maps and photos. Personally, I was useful and was always by my side during the trip. (DG)
Sea Africa
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Autori: Carlo Auriemma e Elisabetta Eordegh
Edizioni: Feltrinelli Travel
Anno: 1999
Pagine: 254 Questo è il racconto di un lungo viaggio, effettuato da un uomo e una donna, due persone coraggiose, che desiderosi di vedere cosa c’è un po’ più in la, hanno deciso di lasciare gli affetti e il lavoro. Per intraprendere un lungo viaggio in barca a vela discendo la costa orientale dell’Africa, dall'Egitto alla Somalia e poi attraverso il canale del Mozambico fino al Sud Africa. Durante il percorso descrivono l’incontro con le popolazioni locali, il loro dubbi e le loro preoccupazioni. (D.G.)
Storie africane: viaggio in Tanzania
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Author: Andrea Berrini
Publisher: EDT
Year: 2001
pages: 117 The first trip was in 1982. A solitary discovery of the country and its people. The second is from 2001. Twenty years have passed, the "young" free-lance has grown up, and observe and record, with a nostalgic look disincatato, globalization has transformed the country, the tragedy of AIDS, the new wealth and old poverty.
Overland Through Southern Africa Author: Willie and Sandra Oliver
Year: 1998
Publisher: Struik
Pages: 176
In English Fourteen to go off-road tour in eight different countries of southern Africa: Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe. For each of these routes, the authors report a detailed map of the journey, which corresponds to a description of the countries and places encountered in the form of a chronicle of the trip. The various routes are complemented by numerous and beautiful photos. At the beginning of this volume is a checklist which lists the equipment needed to cope with proposed trails. (DG)
In Congo
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Author: Jeffrey Tayler
Editions: Blacks Pozza Editore
Year: 2000 Italian edition of 2001 original edition
Pages: 287 The canoe trip that the author does in the republic Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire), starting from the capital Kinshasa to Kisangani, for a distance of 1,700 km. The book is not only the account of this adventure, but also a journey into history, nature, politics of an oppressed country and led to self-destruction by a greedy dictator. "In Zaire, most of the problems that creep, do not bite, sting or not does not cause dysentery had to do, of course, with the police or the army," Jeffrey Tayler, an American author, who lives in Moscow, decided to go to this adventure after reading the novel "At the bend in the river." (DG)
South Africa
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Author: various
Italian edition: Touring
Year: 2001
Pages: 319
written by ten authors, the guide provides the reader with 25 different travel in 12 countries in southern Africa. They are surrounded by nature trails, adventure and sports. The book is very well illustrated with several photos and maps. At the beginning of each chapter there is a caption that tells the reader the different degree of difficulty of the journey. The proposed activities have been varied in the delta dell'Okawango horseback safari, rafting on the Zambezi River, trekking in Kenya, excursions to elephant. At the end of each chapter is a small book with practical advice on the organization of travel, domestic travel, health, the right season and more on equipment indicato per il tipo di viaggio. (D.G.)
Africa selvaggia
Incontri nella riserve naturali dell'Africa del sud
Autore: Raphael Ben-Shahar
Casa editrice: Konemann
Anno: 1999
Pagine: 320 Questo bellissimo libro porta il lettore nelle splendide riserve naturali del sud del Africa, dai deserti della Namibia alle paludi del delta del Okavango, in Botswana, fino ai grandi parchi del Sud Africa. Sono dell'autore anche le bellissime foto di cui il libro è corredato. Vicino ad ogni foto, oltre alla normale didascalia, è presente anche un'appropriata descrizione dell'animale o vegetale rappresentato. L'autore, nato a Tel Aviv, ha trascorso molti anni in Africa meridionale, lavorando come consulente in various parks. Now he deals with issues of environmental impact. (DG)
Shadow of Kilimanjaro
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Author: Rick Ridgeway
Publisher: Center document will Alpina
Date: May 2000
Pages: 271 The guide to a beautiful trek that takes the author together with some comgagni starting from Kilimanjaro to reach the Indian Ocean, through the national park of Tsavo, Kenya. The book contains a number of smart considerations on the problems of poaching and management of nature reserves in Africa. "Seeing the Tsavo rise again and be covered with plants that had never been abundant in the region, Sheldrick wondered whether the destruction Camifore by the elephant was not part of the natural cycle. If that was the wisest policy was to let nature follow its corso.Decise of opposing the program of killing, but the controversy, instead sopirsi, more furious than before. "Rick Ridgeway, American mountaineer has written numerous articles for National Geografhic and Outside. (DG)
David Livingstone: A Life for Africa Author: Tim Jeal
Publisher: Mursia
Year: 1973
pages: 511
"There are two reasons for writing a biography of David Livingstone . The first is that the works have appeared so far on him are not exhaustive and the second is that in these years is ulrimi venuta alla luce una gran quantità di materiale di primaria importanza sul piano sia della saggistica sia della plubblicazione di inediti". T.J.
L'immagine che ne deriva, a partire dalla difficile infanzia nel cotonificio di Blantyre, la scelta missionaria, il duro lavoro di esplorazione e ricerca, fino al disastro della spedizione Zambesi, è quella di un eroe moderno estremamente umano ricco di intuizioni lungimiranti e numerose contraddizioni.
Come ritrovai Livingstone in Africa centrale Autore: Henry M. Stanley
Casa editrice: T.C.I.
Anno di edizione: 1997
pagine: 317
"Mentre avanzavo lentamente, osservai ch'egli era pallido e d'aspetto stanco. Portava un berretto azzurro, fasciato d'una lista Golden rejuvenate, had a red shirt and gray pants. I wanted corrergi meeting, but I was cowardly in the face of the crowd. I wanted to hug him, but he was English I did not know how I would have accepted. So I did what cowardice and false pride advised me. I approached him and raising his hat, said
- Dr. Livingstone, I presume? ".
The diary of one of the most important and fascinating journalistic enterprises of this century, written by one who better than anyone embodies the spirit of the terrible and grand European eplorazione in East Africa.
I go to the Cape: 13,000 km through Africa
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Author: Sergio Ramazzotti
Publisher: Feltrinelli
Year: 1996
pages: 260
Sergio Ramazzotti, journalist, was asked by his manager to tell the public transport in Africa. Thus began a journey from Algiers to Cape Town covering 13,000 km on board buses, trucks, taxis, vans, freight and passenger trains, ferries and boats similar to the rafts, crossing borders is not always hospitable, visiting different places, meeting people and collecting their stories. "Before this trip to Africa was my lover. Later became my wife."
Wanderer in Africa: journey to the heart and history of a mysterious continent
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Author: Javier Reverte
Publisher: Mondadori
Year: 1998
pages: 366
Reverte starts from Cape Town through South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Tanzania arrived in Congo, in Kinshasa, where he will embark on a boat that will take him to the discovery of the river. With the foundation of "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad, the English journalist recounts personal experiences and history of countries seen in an interesting historical overview-staff essential starting point for anyone wanting to know this continent.
Zimbabwe: the kingdom of gold Author: Mauro Burzio
Publisher: Mondadori
Year: 1993
pages: 192 A collection
di meravigliose fotografie accompagnano la descrizione di una delle nazioni più affascinanti dell'Africa australe, dalla magia dei parchi naturali, al fascino delle leggendarie Victoria Falls, per arrivare alle tradizioni e ai costumi delle popolazioni autoctone, passando attraverso una delle città più moderne del continente.
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