Wednesday, October 28, 2009
List Of Models From Bottomless Party Scene
Ecco il video dell'evento a Bologna:
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Greeting Messages For Holidays
Sabato si è svolto l'evento in Piazza Maggiore a Bologna, ecco il risultato:

Thanks to everyone for participating , we have sent a strong signal, Bologna is present.
Here is the link of the article in Cape Town:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Pregnant Chunky Discharge
Hello, you're all invited to
15 Saturday, October 24 event to be held in Piazza Nettuno on the day of the Global Climate Change 350. is an international campaign for the creation of a fair global climate treaty, which will reduce carbon dioxide below 350 parts per million.
On this link you will find information on the event and how to participate:
Puoi anche chiudere gli non puoi smettere di respirare!
Grazie per l'appoggio...

Monday, October 19, 2009
Slight Vision Loss Tingling Fingers
Ciao a tutti,
venerdì 16 ottobre sotto le 2 torri si è svolta una azione di sensibilizzazione riguardante il clima, spacciandoci come venditori di ossigeno, in promozione, per fare capire il problema di un futuro in cui anche l'aria sarà da comprare.
Presto il video sull'azione.
Nel frattempo se avete voglia di video, ecco un progetto ben fatto sui cambiamenti climatici:
Ecco uno dei nostri volantini....stampate e diffondete!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
How To Look Like Meagan Good
1. *Hit the production of Climate Chaos*
*Colpisci la produzione del caos climatico - partecipa!*
La catastrofe climatica non sta accadendo per caso e i ghiacciai che si sciologono non sono il suo luogo centrale. Il nostro sistema economico, il modo in cui i beni vengono prodotti, e il modo in cui vengono trasposrtati e alla fine consumati sono alla radice del cambiamento del clima.
Non crediamo che questo COP risolverá la crisi climatica. I delegati, le ONG e i rappresentanti dell´industria sono bloccati in un´ideologia di crescita economica infinita e di soluzioni di mercato ad ogni problema creato dall´uomo, come la ditruzione del nostro ecosistema. Le
problematiche di giustizia sociale vengono cosí ignorate in toto.
Invitiamo ad agire contro questo sistema economico, il 13 Dicembre. Incoraggiamo gruppi di affinitá a dare vita ad azioni dirette contro obiettivi a Copenhagen e nel resto del mondo. Nella mattina del 13 Dicembre chiuderemo il porto di Copenhagen con un´azione di blocco di
massa. Il porto é un simbolo chiave dell´economia del libero mercato globale. Qui viene alla luce ció che é solitamente nascosto:
deterioramento ambientale, sfruttamento profound social and economic injustice.
Since the dawn of colonialism, the global shipping industry has been the distinguishing trait violence. What once was the gold looted from the Incas and profit today based on natural resources and cheap labor force - and is usually transported by ship. Today, the transport of containers is one of the pillars of capitalism. It is not subject to any rule: fuels are not taxed, the emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants are not subject to control borders and do not seem to exist for transport ships.
At the same time, the endless need of other products at low prices seems to have no limits. The free global flow of goods continues to grow - to the benefit of the few.
But if these goods can enter the EU or North of the free world are human beings not to do so. Just do not have the appropriate passport or do not have enough money at the "rich" countries, migrants are detained, deported and deprived of most basic human rights
. And the militarization of the Seas is not only around the borders of the EU. And 'in fact also used to protect the international transport of goods, as in Somalia, where international fleets have deprived the Somali fishermen most important element for their livelihood, the sea.
Finally, maritime transport International is more than just a mode of transportation in the global economy. It 's also a major cause of climate change. About 5% of greenhouse gas emissions at the global level are produced by the transport of goods by sea. The fuel used by cargo ships are basically toxic waste from advanced petroleum refining and contain high amounts of sulfur and mercury. And as for international flights, no one is regarded réponse of these emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.
climate justice and the real social change does not rain down from above. A real change needs to be undertaken by all * - the most affected, the most responsible, who until now has solamento osservato. Il cambiamento deve essere organizzato e realizzato dalla gente di tutto il
mondo - nelle strade e nei campi. Diciamo "NO" governi, multinazionali e cosidette organizzazioni-non-governative i cui unici interessi sono mantenere il proprio potere, la propria influenza e il proprio flusso di capitali.
Fermeremo questa follia per un giorno. Lottare per la giustizia climatica significa cambiare il nostro sistema economico e questo deve succedere qui, nel ricco Nord globale, che riceve i maggiori benefici dal disastro. Per un libero circolare di persone e idee, invece che di merci di
beneficio a pochi.
Contatta (in Inglese) per partecipare allo sviluppo dell´azione, o vieni ad uno dei Our next meetings: in Berlin on 3-4 October & in Copenhagen on October 8th.
2. Appeals for the CJA
You can repair a system in pieces
movement for climate justice at the UN climate conference
The UN climate conference will not solve the climate crisis. We are no closer to reducing greenhouse gas emissions than when we started the international negotiations, 15 years ago: The emissions increase more rapidly than ever, while the CO2 emissions trading allows criminals to pollute the atmosphere and make a profit . Today, the UN conference essentially legitimizes a new colonialism that divides the few resources left on the planet.
front of the profound crisis of our civilization, everything we get is a theater that only preserving the interests of multinational corporations. In response to this madness, a global movement for climate justice has emerged to reclaim power over our future.
As part of this movement, the International Climate Justice Action Network is mobilizing tens of thousands of people around the world to act during the international climate negotiations in Copenhagen in December 2009. Just
false solutions!
We can not trust the market to our future, as well as we can not put our faith in technology is not safe non accertate e non sostenibili.
Contrariamente a coloro che ripongono le loro speranze in un "capitalismo verde", noi sappiamo che é impossibile avere una crescita illimitata su un pianeta limitato. Invece di provare a riparare un sistema in pezzi, dovremmo:
* lasciare i combustibili fossili sotto terra
* socializzare e decentralizzare la produzione di energia
* rilocalizzare la produzione di cibo
* riconoscere e ripagare il debito ecologico e climatico verso i paesi del Sud del mondo
* rispettare i diritti delle popolazioni indigene
* rigenerare i nostri ecosistemi
Le soluzioni reali alla crisi climatica vengono costruite da coloro che hanno sempre difeso la Terra e da coloro che struggle daily to defend their environment and their living conditions. We need to globalize these solutions and strive for a just transition to a future without
3. Appeals for the CJA
From 7 to 18 December 2009, the largest ever climate summit will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark. The summit has been called our "last, best hope" to do something about climate change. But the UN conference will not solve the crisis. We are no closer to reducing greenhouse gas emissions than nonfossimo when negotiations began 15 years ago, emissions continue to increase at maximum speed, while the "carbon trading" (forgotten as Italian, charcoal trade literally understood as CO2) allows criminals to pollute the environment and make money. 'S time to say "Enough!" Just business as usual, just to the false solutions!
claiming power from below
On 16 Dec, at the start, "ministry" of the summit two weeks long, we, the global justice movement, we will make our conference for a day and turn it into a summit people for climate justice. (What a name in Italian is shit, but in English it sounds
). Using only the strength of our bodies to achieve our goal, our brand, "claims the power" to push up into the conference and will in its buildings, disrupting the ongoing sessions and using the space to talk about our agenda, an agenda that comes from below, an agenda of climate justice, real solutions as opposed to their false solutions. We will be an action of civil disobedience, we will overcome all barriers that will be put in our way - but will not respond with violence if the police try to
escalate the situation.
change the system, not the climate
Our goal is not to close the whole summit. But this day will be ours, will be the day that will raise our voice, and impose on the agenda:
Climate Justice Now!
We can not put in the hands of our future market, as well as we can not put our faith in technology unsafe, unproven, unsustainable. We know that a planet
finished, it is impossible etsrarre infinite economic growth - "green" or not. Instead of trying to repair a destructive system, we propose alternatives that offer a real solution to the climate crisis and fair: leave fossil fuels (note for you: oil, coal, natural gas) under the earth, reassert control of the people, the people and community resources; relocalize food production, reduce the over-consumption, especially in the north of the world, recognizing the ecological debt and climate in relation Peoples of the South and pay reparations, respect the rights of indigenous peoples and forests (meaning indigenous forest - I do not know Italian this difference makes sense actually).
global movements for climate justice
Ten years ago, during protests against the WTO in Seattle, a global movement that emerged to proclaim that another world was possible. Today, this world is not only possible but necessary. In Copenhagen, we will gather past and having different experiences behind us, coming from different struggles and movements. We are indigenous people and farmers, workers and environmentalists, feminists and anti-capitalist. Now, our different struggles for justice social and ecological justice find common ground in the fight for climate justice and in our
desire to reclaim power over our own future.
contribute and participate in Climate Justice Action!
* Get closer "Reclaim Power! Pushing for Climate Justice" in Copenhagen, and then spread the word! We want to create an exciting sense of expectation, we want our actions rimbombino anywhere in the world, and how to do it is through countless individuals, groups and movements who claim to want to participate.
* Organise events where you are. Contact us if you want to invite someone to talk about this, and the arguments at the heart of the protest.
action Reclaim Power! Pushing for Climate Justice is organized by the Climate Justice Action, a network of transglobal movements. For more info, updates on meetings and activities, and news on the fight for climate justice, go to
@ actforclimate or follow on Twitter.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Fake Braces Headgear For Sale
Here's the video of Critical Mass this Saturday ...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Camcorder Used For Reality Tv
As every second Saturday of the month
returns the critical mass of Bologna.
Meet in the square Neptune at 16.
The Critical Mass started in San Francisco in 1992 and has now been repeated in more than 500 cities worldwide.
A group of bikers gather to ride through the streets of the city, shouting "We are traffic!"
The bicycle frees the city smog, traffic, noise, is cheap, so democratic, environmentally sustainable and unrelated to the mechanisms that create wars and exploitation.
also produces endorphins, which are good for your body and your mood ...
... then take the bike, Critical Mass is waiting for you!
Can Rapadura Sugar Replace Brown Sugar
weeks ago, with the usual method of word of mouth, has run 'held in Bologna in Piazza Maggiore a flash mob with the theme clima e l'ecologia. Ecco il video:
+( SCARICA ) il video in un formato migliore e a dimensioni maggiori.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Breastfeeding Her Husband
Chiamata all’azione
Reclaim power!
Lottando per la giustizia climatica
Dal 7 al 18 dicembre 2009, il più grande summit sul clima mai organizzato avrà luogo a Copenhagen, Danimarca. Questo summit è stato bollato come la nostra ultima, migliore speranza per far qualcosa sul cambiamento climatico. Ma le trattative dell’ONU non risolveranno la crisi climatica. Non siamo più vicini alla riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra di quanto lo fossimo quando iniziarono i negoziati 15 anni fa: le emissioni continuano a salire a tassi sempre più alti, mentre il commercio di carbone permette ai criminali climatici di inquinare and make a profit. It 's time to say enough! Just business as usual, just false solutions!
power from below
On 16 December, at the start of high-level ministerial summit in two weeks, we, the global justice movement, we will take the reins of the conference for one day and turn it People in a summit for climate justice. Using only the strength of our bodies to achieve our goal, our march Reclaim Power! presses on the area of \u200b\u200bthe conference and will enter the building, stop the session and will use the space to talk about our agenda, an agenda from the bottom, an agenda of justice climate, real solutions against these false. Our action is civil disobedience, we will overcome any physical barrier along our way - but will not respond with violence if the police try to increase the tension.
Change the system, not the climate!
Our goal is not to derail the whole summit. But this day will be ours, will be the day when we speak for ourselves and dictate the agenda: climate justice now! We can not entrust our future to the market, and even put our faith in technology risky, unproven and unsustainable. We know that on a finite planet is impossible to have infinite economic growth – verde o cose del genere. Invece di cercare di mettere a posto un sistema distruttivo, stiamo avanzando alternative che forniscono soluzioni reali e giuste alla crisi climatica: lasciare i combustibili fossili nel terreno; rivendicare il controllo delle persone e della comunità sulle risorse; rilocalizzare la produzione alimentare; ridurre il consumo eccessivo, soprattutto nel Nord; riconoscere il debito ecologico e climatico dovuto ai popoli del Sud e offrire compensazione; e rispettare i diritti dei popoli indigeni e delle foreste.
Movimenti globali per la giustizia climatica
10 anni fa durante le proteste contro il WTO a Seattle, un movimento globale emerse per proclamare che un altro mondo è possibile. Oggi, questo mondo non è solo possibile - è necessario. A Copenhagen, verremo insieme da molti differenti backgrounds e movimenti, esperienze e lotte. Siamo popoli indigeni ed agricoltori, lavoratori e ambientalisti, femministe e anticapitalisti. Ora, le nostre diverse lotte per la giustizia sociale ed ecologica trovano terreno comune nella lotta per la giustizia climatica e nel nostro desiderio di rivendicare potere sul nostro futuro.
Partecipa – sii parte della nostra azione per la giustizia climatica!
Partecipa all'azione Reclaim power! a Copenhagen - e diffondi la parola! Vogliamo generare un senso di entusiasmo, vogliamo che le nostre azioni risuonino in tutto il mondo, ed il modo per farlo è attraverso innumerevoli individui, gruppi e movimenti che dichiarino la loro intenzione di prendere parte. -
Organizza eventi dove vivi. Contattaci se vuoi invitare qualcuno per fare un resoconto sull'azione Reclaim power! e le questioni al cuore della nostra protesta.