Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Negative Effects Of Blunt Wrap

Book presentation

chat between adults on a children's book

content of the meeting:
The climate of the planet is really changing?
Human activities can affect this change?
On these issues, it is true that among scientists there is still much disagreement?
Climate change is a future problem, or something is happening already in our day?
how international politics is moving on a complex issue?
... and what can each of us?
questions on which boys and girls aged 10 and over are struggling to find clear answers and reliable, but put in a difficult position at times even adults, nonostatne this is an issue central to our future.

the author:
Pernigotti Daniel has over 15 years of experience in the environmental field. Plays attività di giornalista free-lance sul tema del cambiamento climatico, seguendo in prima persona il negoziato delle Nazioni Unite (UNFCCC) sul tema. E' inoltre delegato italiano in ambito ISO per lo sviluppo delle norme sui gas serra e cordinatore del relativo gruppo nazionale UNI. Supporta sullo stesso tema l'ente di accreditamento italiano ACCREDIA.

Antonio dalla Pozza, Assessore all'Ambiente del Comune di Vicenza

Domenica 20 febbraio ore 17.30

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sample Letter Of Insurance Offer


SPAZIONADIR è lieto di ospitare l'artista scultore Mattia Trotta con le sue opere di filo d'acciaio.
Opening Saturday, February 12 from 19:00 to 22:00

Friday, February 4, 2011

Respiration Rate Higher In A Mammal Or Reptile

Zero emissions and luxury homes in Milan Paolo Scaroni and CityLife

The luxury homes in Milan under construction at the new district CityLife are equipped with heating: this is the first example in Milan in which the entire heating and cooling system is designed to zero-emission without any type of combustion.

E 'A2A Calore & Services, the company that takes care of the A2A Group of district heating, to provide power efficiency.

Giuliano Zuccoli, Chairman of the Management Board of A2A said: "This important initiative is part of the project multi-annual development of district heating that A2A, with the strong support and backing of City, has under construction in the Municipality of Milan. "This work is linked to better meet the need, on the one hand, the energy requirements of the new buildings that will arise in the former-Fair and the other to obtain the lowest possible environmental impact on the territory."

Water hot water is provided by A2A through a link with the district heating network from the incinerator Amsa Figino - Silla 2, where does this clean energy recovery heat from waste heat recovered from the plant.

This technology allows the realization of minimize the environmental impact territory, reducing to zero emissions of pollutants (dust, nitrogen oxides, CO2 etc) , to avoid the installation of conventional gas boilers, completely eliminating all the fires and to ensure greater safety operating the plant.

"With this solution - continues Zuccoli - CityLife it meets the need to create buildings with high environmental performance with improved energy efficiency as possible to the energy certification of new buildings."
What can I say? A solution that will surely agree.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fallout Wrestling Singlet

Reduce malaria infections

Africa - Study U.S.: preventive therapy can reduce malaria infections by AFRICAN VOICES
published on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at 11:08

die each year a million people, mostly children

A new preventive therapy for malaria control during periods of transmission in Africa, can reduce infections in children. And 'what emerges from the results of some clinical trials published by the American scientific magazine PLoS Medicine. The therapy is administered two or three doses of a combination of malaria during the season when it's easier than you send. The results obtained from studies conducted in Burkina Faso and Mali, on a sample of about 3,000 children in each country, has been a reduction in infection rates from 70 to 85%. The magazine pointed out that almost all the children slept under insecticide-treated nets: the mosquito, the main defense against malaria in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa, provides protection for at least 50% against the parasite transmitted by mosquitoes and responsible infection. A third study in Gambia showed that this treatment reduces the incidence of malaria during the transmission season. An estimated 250 million people contract malaria each year worldwide and one million, mostly children, those who die.